
able to get into S mo vie s.If I can't,then I*11 just have to wait until I am old enough,! think the reason no one let's us see R movies is because a few teenagers couldn't handle one,An R movie is just like a trashy novel,.out worsebecause yiu actually see what's going on,I can handle almost any movie around,.If I told any of my teachers about that,,they'd dye laughing: before they believed me.,I'm mostly thinking: o;f my homeroom: ?th grade teacher,She. was one of these adults who thought that if you. weren't a great athelete,you weren't any thing. She always thought that kids were, immature,, no matter how hard they tried not to be,She made, me so sick sometimes; because she'd Laugh at me when I was trying to. be serious,She did that to everyone,It* s teachers like her that make me despise all grade school teachers,1Aost of my grade* school, teachers were too immature to handle the job,I can think of one teacher,Mrs,Alvin,who was a good teacher,She had been in the business for a long time and knfew what she was: doing; more then any of the other teachers,I say that because she could handle students voicing themselves better then any of the other teachers,I think she was the only teacher that had any control over us,She should have been teaching high school, and not this stuff,My eighth grade homeroom teacher was the worst teacher I've ever experienced in . my life,She wasn't even supposed to be a teacher,She majored, in business or something like that in college,I don't think one person in tfrat school liked her in any way,I know I did-n't,If I ever saw her again,I'd probably run,I*11 bet when I gro,ew up and get famous somehow,every teacher I ever had will say,'I taught him everything he knows,'When I am famous, it*11 be because I'm a good writer,and Mrs,Alvin can take the credit for that.
The better part of this summer will probably be spent watching stupid movies on TV,'The Brain Eaters'is on later today,but I think I'll pass on that,I always wanted to watch
- Author
- mark thomas